Who, Me? Afraid?

Let’s be honest here.

Fear is something we all struggle with. Not one person is immune to it. I’m talking about the different kinds of fears we all face from time to time–fear of the known and the unknown, fear of the dark(and opened closets and spiders and snakes 🙂 ), fear of struggles and obstacles, fear of stress and hardship, fear of heartache and loneliness…

The list is endless.

We sometimes feel like there’s no way out, that fear is a tunnel that chains us down, that keeps changing, that comes to confront us from time to time, that we can never truly escape from.

And you know what? That’s true. Fear has always been, is, and will be here to stay.

But let me ask you a question.

What overcomes fear?

Sheer willpower? Boldness? Courage?

None of those answers are true, nor do any of those work for all the fears we face. Only one thing can enable us to overcome all these diverse and disabling fears.

And that is having…an even greater fear.

The fear of the one true God.

He’s the One we should fear. And if we fear Him, all else fades into oblivion, because He is so much more powerful, so much more important, so much more real–infinitely so.

So that’s my message to you today, dear brothers and sisters in the faith: Fear God. That’s the only we could live bold lives for Christ, and Christ alone. Keep God first and foremost in your hearts and minds–and yes, your fears–and all else would fade in the light of His greatness and power.

I’m praying for you as you step out in faith today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows after that.  🙂

1 comment found

  1. I love how you contrast fear with the way to overcome it – fear. But Godly fear.
    Thanks for this encouragement!

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