The Room of Life

The following poem was partly inspired by random quotes I’ve read in the past, and partly by the roughness of life the past few days, weeks, months and year. I pray that this poem would encourage and edify some of you out there who are also going through tough times in life.  God is with us every step of the way, even when things are not working out. Have faith. Pray hard. And above all, Praise Him for Who He is.


The Room of Life

I was with my Lord in the Room of Life:

He showed me the joys and hopes, the darkness and strife.

“Daughter—your life is a gift, your Saviour your Guide.

But you must walk this pathway yourself, whatever betide.”


“Lord,” I asked, “what should I do, which way should I go?”

He pointed at the open door. “Take My hand, child, and follow.”

I held tight to His hand—all the doors unclosed.

“Lord, which…” “Trust Me, dear one.” Then the doors closed.


“But, oh Lord, all the doors are closed, to what do I turn?”

The room seemed so dark—I was afraid—His hand I spurned.

No door opened—I was trapped—in tears I did wallow.

I cried “Lord!” “Look up, My daughter—I’ve opened the windows.


“Through these you will look beyond your own existence,

And see My Greatness, My Power, My Love and Elegance.”

I was comforted. “Forgive my weakness,” I prayed, penitent.

“My beloved daughter—rest in My love and complete forgiveness.”


But then the windows closed. I waited—no doors opened.

I wept, I pleaded—”Oh Lord, is this the end?

There is nowhere to go, nothing I can see.”

The Lord touched me gently and whispered, “Oh daughter…but you still have Me.”

8 comments found

  1. Then Jesus Came

    One sat alone beside the highway begging,
    His eyes were blind, the light he could not see;
    He clutched his rags and shivered in the shadows,
    Then Jesus came and bade his darkness flee.
    When Jesus comes the tempter’s pow’r is broken;
    When Jesus comes the tears are wiped away.
    He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory,
    For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.
    From home and friends the evil spirits drove him,
    Among the tombs he dwelt in misery;
    He cut himself as demon pow’rs possessed him,
    Then Jesus came and set the captive free.
    When Jesus comes the tempter’s pow’r is broken;
    When Jesus comes the tears are wiped away.
    He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory,
    For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.
    “Unclean! unclean!” the leper cried in torment,
    The deaf, the dumb, in helplessness stood near;
    The fever raged, disease had gripped its victim,
    Then Jesus came and cast out every fear.
    When Jesus comes the tempter’s pow’r is broken;
    When Jesus comes the tears are wiped away.
    He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory,
    For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.
    Their hearts were sad as in the tomb they laid him,
    For death had come and taken him away;
    Their night was dark and bitter tears were falling,
    Then Jesus came and night was turned to day.
    When Jesus comes the tempter’s pow’r is broken;
    When Jesus comes the tears are wiped away.
    He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory,
    For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.
    So men today have found the Savior able,
    They could not conquer passion, lust and sin;
    Their broken hearts had left them sad and lonely,
    Then Jesus came and dwelt, Himself, within.
    When Jesus comes the tempter’s pow’r is broken;
    When Jesus comes the tears are wiped away.
    He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory,
    For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.

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